Small Business Marketing Trends for 2021

It’s hard to believe that another year has come and gone. (Do they go by faster now or is it just me?)

As we kick-off a new year, here are the marketing trends we think will be most important to small business owners in 2021.

Having a Strong Online Presence

2020 changed consumer behavior and the way we shop. It’s almost as if we jumped 5 years ahead in regard to shopping online. In 2021, people will shop for everything online, including goods and services. If you don’t have a strong online presence, now is the time to up your game.


There is so much demand for our attention that anything that is personalized is more likely to be engaging. Personalize your email, sales funnels, and social media as much as possible so that people think you are talking directly to them.

Email Marketing 

Social media is a great way to connect with your tribe, however if something happens and your social account goes down, or worse, your account is disconnected, then those connections are lost. With social media, you’re completely at the mercy of the social platforms. Email marketing allows you to create an email list that you own and have total control of. 

Online Reviews

Research shows that 85% of people look at online reviews before making a purchase. People are looking online to see what kind of experience other people have had working with you. These reviews will become even more important in 2021 as online purchasing continues to grow.  Make sure that you’re getting reviews on the platforms that make the most sense for your business. Those could include Google, LinkedIn, Yelp or Facebook. 


About the Author: Meg Huwar is a small business marketing expert and Principal of Brand Accelerator. She and her team work with companies who want to market their business but don’t have the time, experience or staff to do it themselves. Meg can be reached at or 412-848-8822.

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