How to Make Your Business Stand Out

When we think about brands, we usually think about companies like Nike, McDonald’s and Budweiser. 

But businesses also need a brand because we don’t have the luxury of large marketing budgets, so all of our efforts need to be on point. We need people to understand what we do, what we stand for, and what makes us different from our competitors. 

That’s what a brand does. 

Let me give you an example of a small business with a great brand. 

A few years ago, I met two attorneys that were both solo-practitioners. The first told me he was a divorce attorney, and he provided great customer service.

The second gentleman told me he was a divorce attorney who works with men going through divorce to get fair custody agreements and preserve his client’s assets.  

Which attorney has a brand?

In this example, the attorney working with men going through divorce positions himself as an expert, so when men are going through a divorce who do you think they call?

That’s how you create a brand. Figure out what makes you different and then go out and tell the world.

Last week I spoke on this topic at the Generator Marketing Conference 2020. You can watch the video here


About the Author: Meg Huwar is a small business marketing expert and Principal of Brand Accelerator. She and her team work with companies who want to market their business but don’t have the time, experience or staff to do it themselves. Meg can be reached at or 412-848-8822.

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