Strategy Beats Creativity Every Time!

Several times over the years I’ve had a client say, “let’s create a logo that’s the next Nike Swoosh”  or “let’s create the next Ice Bucket Challenge.”  Their intentions are good. They want to do something extraordinary so that they can stand out and be heard.

But creativity without strategy doesn’t work. 

And creativity for the sake of being creative doesn’t work. 

Strategy works. 

I’m all in when it comes to being creative, but make sure that what you create supports your overall strategy. It’s really easy to up come with a really creative website, video or social media campaign, but sometimes it will lead you down the wrong path. 

Before you starting working on your creative assets take a minute to evaluate…

  1. How will you use that piece of creative?
  2. Who are you targeting this creative to?
  3. Does this creative communicate our unique solution to our customer’s problem? 


If your creative addresses these issues then you are on your way to a potential homerun!

About the author: Meg Huwar is a small business marketing expert and Principal of Brand Accelerator. She and her team work with companies who want to market their business but don’t have the time, knowledge or staff to do it themselves. Meg can be reached at

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